Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Nail Beads

Nails With Beads
So recently I brought some caviar nail beads from Poundland. Cheap store? Of course. I expected the quality of the product to also be low. However, I decided to buy and try these beads for the first time since the price was low. Firstly, I would like to say the packaging of these beads are too cute. Just look at them, they have been packaged so adorably in little jars. I must admit, I'm a sucker for such cute little products. I then decided to try them on my nails today. I didn't expect it to be good, I had a mind of just testing to see if they look good and if not just wipe them off my nails with nail polish remover. I started by applying base coat as normal to protect my healthy nails, then decided to use the dark green gel nail polish by Barry M( my favorite I must say). As this nail polish is quick to dry, I tried to quickly add the beads to my nails. I must say it was a difficult task with beads everywhere besides my nails but in the end I did manage to get them on my one nail. Harder than I thought as these little ones are trouble. But besides that, the beads stuck perfectly on to my nails. My first thoughts that despite it being from Poundland the quality is much better than expected. My nails look beautiful as the beads are the perfect size. Yes, of course they eventually will fall off but most beads do anyway. The main point is that these cute little nail beads look great on nails and it matched my nail polish perfectly. I'm delighted with the results. I'll definitely be wearing it often, maybe on one nail as I like that style. I do recommend if your looking for a cheap alternative to expensive caviar beads and they do look great on nails.

Have a great day ahead!
Small Simple Life it surely is.

Whole Nail Bead Box

Color Bead Used

Finished Nails

...it's like a new life

Change is a part of life yet sometimes I worry about the changes that come. Life isn't as simple and easy as we expected when we're little, having fun all day and then sleeping peacefully at night without a worry. Now as I am growing up and experiencing adulthood, life isn't easy at all, not one bit. Now change happens often and we can see it in everyday life. We change our clothes everyday, we change what food we eat and so on. But change is not always small. Personally, I will be experiencing a larger change but I'll take it as a part of life but within I'm nervous and also frightened about what this change will bring. Both negatives and positives. 

The change that I will be soon going through would be moving to a new place, a new country and a new life. All this doesn't seem real at all. I've seen many people go through this yet even they must have felt nervous and scared at the start, right? I want to try this new life yet without trying I won't ever know what this change will be bring, whether it would be positive or negative. A new country filled with new people, the culture and the environment will all be different. I've been brought up here yet the place I would be moving is contrasting and the main worry would be the language. It's not easy but this journey would hopefully teach me some important life lessons and of course some great experiences that would hopefully come along the way.

I've never blogged before and this would be my first time. I thought I would start this blog with my thought currently. Hopefully I haven't talked too much, just sharing my small thought on my life at this stage. Welcome to my blog!

Have an amazing day ahead people!